BDCU Limited Annual General Meeting 2021

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  • BDCU Limited Annual General Meeting 2021
October 25th, 2021

The 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of BDCU Limited will be held virtually on Thursday, 25 November 2021 at 6.30pm (AEDT). 

Due to current COVID-19 social distancing requirements and to keep our members safe, this meeting will only be held online (virtually) at BDCU Limited.


  1. Welcome and introduction from the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. 

  2. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 November 2020.

  3. To receive and adopt the Annual Financial Report, Director’s Report and Auditor’s Report of the Mutual for the year ended 30 June 2021.

  4. To elect or appoint two (2) directors in accordance with section 201G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act) and clause 7.4 of the constitution of the Mutual (the Constitution).

  5. To determine the maximum aggregate remuneration payable to the directors of the Mutual (the Directors) for the financial year ending 30 June 2023

Online AGM Information

The AGM will be conducted via Vero Voting online. In early November Vero Voting will send you an email to register your attendance to the AGM prior. If you would like to submit a question before the meeting, please email      

Once you have registered, you will have access to the BDCU Limited AGM Portal until the completion of the AGM on the 25 November 2021.

In this portal you can:

  • Register

  • View AGM papers 

  • Download proxy form and lodge your proxy online

  • Participate in the AGM

  • Lodge your vote during the meeting 

  • Watch the AGM live via video stream on the day (operates best if you use Chrome or Firefox as your web browser)

AGM Papers and Proxy Forms

Download AGM Papers

If you have requested hard copy AGM papers, you will receive them in the mail. These will be posted in late October 2021. Proxies must be lodged before 6.30pm on 23 November 2021. 

If you have any questions, require assistance or do not receive your Vero Voting registration email, please call us on (02) 4860 4000 or email us at

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